This type of task, where both source and target are within the same database, and transformations are not overly complex, is well suited to re-writing the job into a single SQL statement that can be executed wholly within the database engine. 这种类型的作业有一个特点,即源和目标在相同的数据库中,且执行的转换并不复杂,这种作业非常适合重新将作业编写成一条可以完全在数据库引擎中执行的SQL语句。
Most companies have a Finance Department whose job is to keep track of all of the income and expenses and prepare the company profit and loss statement and balance sheet. 大多数公司都有财务部,他们的工作是记录所有的收入和支出以及准备公司的利润亏损表和资产负债表。
It will point out the information in your CV that matches you for the job and gives you the chance to make a statement about yourself and your suitability. 它可以带出你简历中与申请职位相匹配的信息,并且是你展示自我和现状的好机会。
A survey by the Chartered Management Institute of 1,334 junior managers and directors showed one in three would resign – if they could find another job to go to. More than a third agreed with the statement: I have too much work to do and feel overloaded. 特许管理协会对1334名初级管理人员和主管做了份调查,发现三人中有一人想要辞职&如果他们另有去处的话。超过三分之一的人认同:自己在超负荷工作。
Khan discusses the typical job advertisement that includes a statement such as "must be able to work well in a team" and asks what that actually means? Khan谈到典型招聘广告中包含这样的声明&“必须能够很好地进行团队协作”,他质疑这种声明实际上没有什么意义。
The difficult job is to translate this technical statement into a language understood by politicians and their constituents, and to do so without lying. 困难之处在于如何将这种技术性陈述转变成政客及其选民明白的语言,而且不能撒谎。
When I apply for a visa, I take it as a given that a letter from my employer will be required, saying I have a job I can return to, as will my bank statement and return air tickets. 申请签证的时候,我已经习惯被要求出示雇主所写的一封信、我的银行文件和返程机票。信的内容是:我有一份工作在香港,我会回来的。
I am not familiar with the nature of the job, nor with your company policy, so I don't dare make any statement. 我既不熟识工作性质,也不了解贵公司的政策,所以,我不敢发表任何意见。
While an objective focuses on the job, a summary statement focuses on the job seeker. 求职目标的重点是工作,而概述则是将重点放在求职者身上。
The first step in managing the job involves entering the customer's statement. 管理工单的第一步是输入客户声明。
Compensation design should include pay level positioning, job statement, the relationship between job-evaluation-based pay and performance-evaluation. 企业薪酬方案设计应包括以下几个方面:报酬水平定位、岗位说明书、基于岗位评价的报酬与绩效考核的关系。